
There are lots of books that are relevant to the climate and the ecological emergencies we currently face. Many books provide great knowledge and insights into the emergencies and how to address them, others sadly are a key part of climate denial. A scientific paper is reviewed before publication by scientists not involved in the generation of the paper and even after publication are open to withdrawal if fraud / disinformation is shown to be present, the same is not the case for books.

Our book bank books and book reviews cover all sorts of topics, and while mainly not disinformation we do address books that espouse the cause of climate denial.

A good introduction to all the discussions around climate and ecological emergencies is “A gift for conversation” by Louis Keal. Dr Keal wrote this as an interactive way for people to discuss climate change, he has been kind enough to publish the book under a Creative Commons license, so we have been able to adapt the text for our website. Please read it and we are very happy to discuss it with you – “A gift for conversation: Let’s discuss climate change: Why it matters. What to do about it.” by Dr Louis Keal.

CASaV members are sharing their books through the CASaV book bank.

CASaV members have reviewed a number of books, please send your reviews to books@casav.ukreviews.